Saturday, February 26, 2011

Walk Of The Humanoid

The other day while walking back home from college, I saw these group of kids, those who prefer a latto than a beyblade.

They were catching and looping Dragon flies into a knot, perhaps making them their forced pet. A thought was about to hit me but technology interrupted my brain cells and I got a ring from my mother to get some rat-extinguishing spray on my way back home. By the time the call got cut and I was passing by my ‘College Katta’ where I saw humanoids playing some loud music in their transporting devices. This was amusing because, there was no one dancing in or around the car except for the smoke evacuating out of the people standing around the vehicle.

I waved at them, continued walking and thought to myself ‘Why do I know and how do I know these self-proclaimed beings’. I thought,drooled,danced,ran,jumped,digested and burped this attention seeking subject  but there was no perfect answer to it then, but then I thought ‘They might be thinking the same thing about me'.

Strolling along I reached the bus stop, waiting for the bus to reach. I plugged my earphones and I thought to myself ‘Am I thinking too much’. A dog was pleasing his nose near the stop, but the two North Indian auntie’s near me wearing their blingy mirrored ferozee redish orangish reflective dress thought for some reason the dog was checking them out. The auntie’s got paranoid at the dog and scuttled him away. It was then the dog saw them and got amazed at the glow oozing out of the women, but it was no aura, they were the mirrors on their dress. The dog hopped away on his four legs, the women felt proud. I felt pity for the dog, but was happy for him that he was color blind.

A relatively empty bus arrived, but still humanoids did fight to get in. I waited for the smoke gas developed from slangs and spit thrown at each other to settle and then placed my posterior on a vacant seat. I got a window seat.

Later a man, quite a rational looking man came and sat beside me and for some reason he shut the window which I was sitting next to. After 5 minutes of silence from him he began clapping and throwing his fists wildly and Mohammad Ali in the air.  After 30 odd seconds I realized he was trying to kill a mosquito.

The thought which technology had earlier interrupted occurred again; We humanoids are the self proclaimed hierarchy on Earth. Thanks to Steven Spielberg and Jadoo we do not think of being the ultimate species in the entire Universe. The walk from outside my college till the man sat down besides me was all evidence of it.

Dragon Fly: Like it’s a species of insects which do not do any harm to us, just fly around in their own leisure clan, but we humans have to interrupt this. This is what a dragon fly would be thinking before it’s caught “Lalalalalalalalala, such a pleasant climate, ooh those two-legged vertebral kids are pointing at me, they are calling me a dragon fly??? Wow does this mean I am Chinese? Or does this mean I can breathe fire? wait let me ask papa  ” by the time the fly turns around to ask his father, he is caught by a kid and he never got to know about what he was and why he was called a dragon fly”.

The call from my mother: She told me to get a rat extinguisher. Rats are not some idiots, are they? I suppose even they would know what is in the food! Humans are at the hierarchy on the pyramid of starvation and that is because of our very nature of being choosey. For the record, ‘In Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy a fictious book by Douglas Adams puts an opinion across whether Earth was build by mice or not. This has been a very successful book and a few years ago also had a movie made about it’.

The College Katta: Now that the entire human species thinks of itself being the most superior breed of mammals existing, then there has to be an Alpha group in every breeding ground. For the same nature of thought the acquaintances of mine were playing music beyond noise decibels and had a look on their faces which said they were thinking this “I am cool,yes I am cool, I am so bloody cool, no I am hot. . .no I am hot and cool, I am HOCOL. This is going to be my facebook status update”  and I bet they would have added a *B-)* emotion to it.

The Bus Stop: Now while waiting for the bus to arrive there were these two North Indian aunties. I am a North Indian myself and I still do not know why these aunties were wearing Christmas decoration on their clothes. But now about this dog; the dog was just sniffing around, like that’s what dogs do. How humans think their superior, how the weighing machine at the railway platform tells you your weight (The fortune telling is complimentary) similarly, a dog sniffs for a living. But the ‘Aunties’ wanted to be the eye candy for the dog. Agreed the color of their clothes was candy-ish. But pity the dog I say.

Now the Man besides Me:  He is still trying to catch that mosquito, which now I think is four seats away and going out of the bus. But this Man wants to prove himself ‘that he is the superior being, so why not kill a mosquito and prove myself that I am bigger than the Blood Sucking Rascal’.

While I was thinking this my thought was interrupted by a roar from the man besides me “I killed you… you blood sucking rascal… I am bigger and mightier than you!”

My brain cells were numb after that, I went home garnished my entire house with the rat extinguisher and without eating any food, I hit the bed.

The next day was a new day, and to my mother’s surprise ‘There were no dead rats’. I just smiled to myself and did not put another thought to it.

By GautamGotiGotwa
(*Gautam GotiGotwa, regardless of his name is a real person and currently studies in TYBMM in Swami Vivekanand College)

Whos your favorite blog author, Part II

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